Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This month of June I decided to dig deeper into the reasons why I love photography and how I decided to do Events and Portraiture instead of pursuing a career in Photojournalism. I found this website by Jeff Ascough who shoots photos with available light and looks for moments, just like I have for many years. I have shot this way of available light and looking for moments since 2001 when I first started photography back in college.

What I have discovered is that to me life is better shown in photos that freeze a moment. A well executed documented photograph will take you back in time and help you relive those days of youth. The very instant the shutter is pressed that slice of life goes into history. Your family's history.

Capturing a moment in life has always given me a sort of adrenaline rush. It's not easy and that's what makes it challenging and fun.

Monday, June 4, 2007


It's become a sort of tradition at our studio to create a new design for our business cards as soon as the last cards are gone. We don't make more than 1000 business cards and so far we've created about 5 different designs over a period of 4 years. This brand spanking new design exhibits two images that I shot at Nelson and Mayra's wedding in the month of May. If you don't have a copy make sure to get one on your next visit to our studio.

Take it easy! Omar